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| Feb 10, 2020
Media Contact: Allie Lesiuk
The Family Place to Break Ground on Ann Moody Place
Dallas-Based Domestic Violence Prevention Agency Celebrates
Its New Central Dallas Counseling Center With
Ground Breaking Ceremony

Representatives from Top Donors to the Legacy Campaign
Stephanie Bernal, Kaleta Doolin, Lynn McBee, Francie Moody- Dahlberg, Paige Flink, Sarah Losinger, Susan Farris, T. Hardie
[Dallas, TX – May TK, 2016] – On Tuesday, May 17th The Family Place will host a ground breaking ceremony for its new facility, Ann Moody Place, projected to open in Spring 2017. Among those who will
be in attendance are current and past board members of The Family Place, donors to the current capital campaign, board members of Partners Auxiliary, members of SafeKeepers Giving Society, local city council members, representatives from the District
Attorney’s office and the Mayor’s office, first ladies of area churches, doctors and administrators from area hospitals, financers of the facility, and The Family Place staff.
“Breaking ground on the Ann Moody Place is a milestone for The Family Place,” says Paige Flink, Executive Director [rst1] at
The Family Place. “We’re looking forward to celebrating with everyone who has made this new facility possible. The Ann Moody Place will provide domestic violence victims with additional shelter and programs that we have not been able
to provide to them before, many of which are the first of its kind in the country.”
The ceremony will begin at 11:30 a.m. with lunch provided by Ruthie’s Rolling Cafe, with speeches commencing at 12 p.m. Mike Coffey, Board President of The Family Place, will welcome all attendees to the ceremony, followed by speeches from various
attendees instrumental in[rst2] the center. The event will conclude with speakers participating in the symbolic
dirt digging ceremony to commemorate the breaking of ground on the Ann Moody Place. The speakers will give remarks in the following order:
Mike Coffey
Board President, The Family Place
Minister Cathy Moffitt, Heartfelt International Ministries
Paige Flink
CEO, The Family Place
Lynn McBee
Foundation Board President, The Family Place
Frances Moody Dahlberg
Trustee & Executive Director, The Moody Foundation
Councilman Adam Medrano
District 2
Councilwoman Jennifer Gates
District 13, Chair of Domestic Violence Task Force
Todd Nordeen
Senior Vice President, JPMorgan Chase Bank
Ryan Suchala
Dallas Market President, Bank of Texas
Gilbert Gerst
Chairman, Dallas Development Fund
SVP, BOK Financial
Designed by leading architecture and design firm Corgan, The Ann Moody Place will feature: 13 emergency shelter bedrooms, housing up to 30 victims whom are in grave danger; a centralized hotline/call center to efficiently place clients in shelter
or counseling throughout the city; an on-site kennel for beloved family pets that might prevent victims from fleeing to safety without them; specially designed play therapy rooms with observation areas and multiple activity rooms where children
can receive the counseling they need; multipurpose spaces for job training to help clients increase their financial security and serve our youth violence education prevention program to prevent future victimization; a medical and dental clinic
where residents and medical students from U.T. Southwestern Medical School, Parkland, and local dentists and doctors, can provide free medical and dental services to clients and their children; and finally, multiple private and group counseling
rooms for victims to receive support to break the cycle of violence.
The Ann Moody Place is located in Dallas, TX. For more information about the Ann Moody Place or The Family Place, please visit
The Family Place is one of the first family violence service providers in the state with a mission to eliminate family violence through intervention and proactive prevention, extensive community education, and advocacy and assistance for victims and
their families. The Family Place now provides the largest number of victim services for in the State of Texas. Since 1978, The Family Place has counseled more than 225,000 clients, provided lifesaving shelter to more than 22,000 women, children
and men, and answered more than 550,000 calls for help. The Family Place has also helped more than 20,000 batterers learn how to change their abusive behavior. Its youth program, Be Project, reaches approximately 6,000 students each year through
youth education programs In 2016, The Family Place will also be the first to open a shelter dedicated to serving the growing need of our male clientele. All the programs are provided in Spanish and in English. For more information, visit