Corporate Engagement

Because 1 out of every 3 women will be affected by family violence in their lifetime, chances are you are currently employing someone who is dealing with this unfortunate circumstance. By partnering with The Family Place, your business can provide critical support for survivors of domestic violence, as well as offer employees meaningful ways to engage.


There are countless ways that your team can volunteer for The Family Place. We can also tailor a volunteer drive especially for your group! Learn more about volunteering HERE, or contact Sara Brigger at or call 214-443-7714. 


Sponsoring one of our fundraising events not only helps generate funding for our programs, but also provides positive marketing and awareness for your business. CLICK HERE to see what events are coming up! Contact the development team at or call 214-443-7710 to find out more.


Host a brown bag lunch or information session at your office or ours. Our team would be delighted to lead a session about family violence for your staff. Request a Speaker today!


Does your organization have a foundation? Many times, corporate foundations require referrals by their employees. Email to find out more.

Matching Gift Programs

The Family Place encourages companies to join with their employees to support charitable organizations with a matching gift program.

Tribute Gifts

Host a Fundraising Event and donate the proceeds to the lifesaving work of The Family Place! From restaurant grand opening celebrations to annual golf tournaments, many generous businesses and organizations have chosen The Family Place to benefit from their self-organized special events and efforts. Call us at 214-443-7710 or email