Signs of an Abusive Relationship

Something’s just not right in your relationship, and you can’t put your finger on it.
Most often, victims report that their abusive relationships did not start that way. In the beginning, their partner was polite, charming, and kind. Over time, however, warning signs emerge. If your partner displays a combination of the behaviors listed below, then he/she may become abusive. Take notice of these behaviors and take them seriously. Talk to someone about the changes you see in your partner.

Take notice of these behaviors and take them seriously.
Talk to someone about the changes you see in your partner.

Warning Signs of Abuse

  • Gets too close, too fast
    Pressures you into a serious relationship right away.
  • Always has to know where you are
    Calls constantly, visits without warning, checks the mileage on your car, tracks you with mobile devices.
  • Is controlling
    Insists you ask permission to go anywhere or do anything.
  • Isolates you
    Stops you from seeing friends or family or from going to work, church, or school functions.
  • Blames you for his/her feelings
    Says “You make me angry” instead of “I am angry.”
  • Is cruel to animals
    Is violent toward pets or other animals; mistreats, abuses, or kills them.
  • Displays “playful” use of force
    Throws or holds you down, forces you to be intimate, and doesn’t accept no for an answer.
  • Verbally/emotionally assaults
    Constantly says cruel, hurtful things, curses and calls you names, publicly humiliates you.
  • Displays sudden mood swings
    Quickly switches from sweet and loving to angry and violent.
  • Hurts you financially
    Makes demands about how you spend your money, monitors your spending through your receipts, bank account, or checkbook.

If you see any of these warning signs in your relationship, please call 214.941.1991