The Family Place Advocates for Domestic Violence Victims and Survivors at Texas State Capitol

by User Not Found | Feb 23, 2023

Our leadership and staff recently traveled to Austin to participate in Domestic Violence Advocacy Day. CEO Mimi Sterling and other representatives from the organization met with legislators to discuss the importance of continued support for survivors of domestic violence.

During the meetings, The Family Place representatives highlighted funding priorities and policy initiatives for the legislative session. These included $88M in funding for family violence program services, $5M for offender accountability, and $600,000 for lethality risk reduction. We also advocated for updating survivor service provisions, codifying virtual hearings for protective orders, increasing access to justice for stalking survivors, and reducing lethality due to firearms.

Domestic violence affects a staggering number of Texans, with 1 in 3 women and 1 in 7 men experiencing family violence. The lifesaving services provided by organizations like The Family Place are crucial to supporting survivors and ensuring their needs are met. Without funding from the state, local, and federal governments, these services would not be possible.

The Family Place operates three shelters across Dallas County, providing survivors with safety, food, clothing, transportation, legal services, counseling, and case management. The demand for these emergency services continues to increase as the community grows, making funding and support from the government more critical than ever.

Our representatives urged legislators to prioritize the safety of survivors of domestic violence and to hold offenders accountable for their actions. Our efforts at Domestic Violence Advocacy Day show our commitment to making a difference in the lives of those affected by domestic violence and our dedication to ensuring the continued support and funding necessary to provide lifesaving services to those in need.