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| Jan 30, 2023
It’s a big year at The Family Place—our 45th anniversary—and we’re celebrating all year long with the theme of Building Brighter Futures. In this newsletter, we’ll be sharing stories about the many ways we’re doing that. Just look for the “45 Ways” heart icon to count along and learn how we’re making a difference together.
The Family Place was one of the first family violence agencies and is now one of the largest in the country. As we focus on the future, we’ve identified six priorities to keep us growing in the right direction.
The first focus is a big one—our budget for 2023 is $17 million. We have our work cut out for us to raise that much money—the largest budget in our history. To meet the needs of our clients takes a collective effort of our community coming together with their time, talent, and treasure.
Our second focus area is Program Outcomes and Enhancements. We’re transitioning our service delivery model to work more in depth with clients resulting in even more impressive outcomes. Our chief client services officer has been hard at work auditing each program. Through these evaluations, we are making changes to better serve our clients. One of those changes is through our hotline where we have increased our answer rate from 65% to over 94% in a 12-month period.
Since I joined The Family Place 18 months ago, I’ve worked to Invest in Talent & Infrastructure, which is our third 2023 focus area. We’re continuing to develop our high-performance workforce to improve our infrastructure, including a new safety alert system for the organization. In addition, we need to continue to attract and retain top talent to grow our team. In this newsletter you can read about some of the great jobs we have open, so please pass those on to candidates in your circle.
We’re continuing to Invest in Our Culture through trust, transparency, communication, fun, and better benefits. We’re also enhancing our employee value proposition to make The Family Place a premier employer of choice.
The Family Place Board of Directors has always been one of our greatest assets. In 2023, we’re working to increase board/client mentoring relationships to fully utilize the important resources we have on our side.
Finally, we’re Refreshing Our Brand with input from a diverse committee of stakeholders. The Family Place has a strong and recognizable brand, but even the best brands need a polish every once in a while!
Stay tuned for updates on these initiatives throughout the year, and, as always, thank you for your support!
With gratitude,
Mimi Sterling