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| Mar 09, 2020

At The Family Place, we offer a variety of services and programs for survivors of family violence to equip them with the necessary means and tools to get back on their feet and start a new, better life.
Dignity at Work (DAW) is our job readiness program that helps clients obtain the necessary education, tools and resources to find employment and start building a sense of stability in their lives. Clients can participate in individual or group classes
where they learn interviewing tips, how to avoid employment scams and participate in mock interviews.
Dignity at Work seeks to reduce barriers to employment by providing scholarship opportunities, transportation, educational resources, and hosting on-site career fairs. [Clients may also receive clothing vouchers, gas vouchers and bus passes as needed.]
Dignity at Work also offers financial education for clients to learn how to manage money effectively and ultimately become financially independent.
Most importantly, Dignity at Work helps clients recognize and develop their unique skills, so they feel confident when applying for jobs. This program does not just help clients get a job but equips them with the with the tools and education to sustain
long-term success.
Bridget Smith is our Employment Specialist who works directly with clients to create individualized plans for success. Bridget must cultivate relationships with prospective employers across many industries to create opportunities for clients. She also
helps coordinate resource fairs and career fairs. If the career fair is not at The Family Place, she will accompany clients to the fair. She is currently working on an apprenticeship program to provide another path of employment for clients. With
so many opportunities, clients can find a position that suites their needs and skillset.
As Bridget says, “the Dignity at Work program is different from any other program you will find in the community. The program is designed to meet the client where they are and build from there.”
Many of our clients have gone on and succeeded in numerous positions as educators, administrative assistants, real estate agents and entrepreneurs. With Dignity at Work, victims of family violence have access to more job opportunities and are empowered
to confidently start their new life as a survivor.